Durham Police HQ

BUSS Panel

The BUSS Panel (BAME Arrests, Use of Force and Stop and Search) tests the proportionality, legitimacy, and necessity of the application of the above police powers.

The OPCC BUSS Panel works with Durham Constabulary to test the proportionality, legitimacy, and necessity of the application of the above police powers. The Panel achieves this by scrutinising and dip sampling Use of Force and Stop/Search submissions. They use available information including electronic records and body-worn video and continuously consider the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) and protected characteristic experience throughout the cases they view (hypothetically if necessary). At the Panel’s discretion, specific areas within police powers maybe scrutinised e.g., vehicle search, taser, non-uniformed officer using powers etc. 

The work of the panel has been highlighted as an area for improvement in the recent HMICFRS Peel Inspection and recommended to increase the frequency of meetings from the quarterly meetings that previously took place.  

There are currently 10 members and there is balanced and diverse representation on the panel. 

Two female police officers

The frequency of the BUSS panel meetings will be increased from 4 to 6 per annum considering the area for improvement from HMICFRS. 

The number of cases considered will be increased to provide a wider dip sample. 

Further streamlined approaches with more digitisation of processes will be implemented- As well as using Red Sigma for Stop and Search scrutiny, panel feedback will be captured in real-time using Microsoft Team forms so that data can be captured and automatically produced as a report.

The terms of reference for this panel can be downloaded here.


