Durham Police HQ

Police and Crime Plan

This page sets out information on the Police and Crime Plan and what priorities have been set.

Police and Crime Plan

The Police and Crime Plan for 2021-24 was published on the 16th of December 2021. You can read the full Police and Crime Plan here.

The draft version of the plan was approved by the Police and Crime Panel by PCC Joy Allen on the 19th of July 2021. The Police and Crime Plan sets out the PCC’s Vision, the outcomes they wish to achieve, along with six key priority areas which will be the focus over the life of the plan. The PCC has reached out to the communities in the Durham Police area in her first six months of office to understand exactly what areas of crime and safety matter most to them and impact on their quality of life.

The results have enabled Mrs Allen to develop a robust three-year action plan to help improve life for local people, reduce their risk and fear of crime, increase their confidence in reporting crime and target policing resources where they matter most. Building on a hugely successful first six months, the PCC’s Police and Crime Plan outlines six key priorities:

  • Safer Business
  • Safer Communities
  • Safer Online
  • Safer People
  • Safer Roads
  • Safer Countryside

Joy Allen & Jo Farrell Police & Crime Plan Launch