Meeting with adults

Complaints Scrutiny Panel

This panel provides feedback and scrutinises a proportion of public complaint cases to the OPCC.

The Independent Complaints Scrutiny Panel scrutinise a proportion of public complaint cases and OPCC Complaint Reviews,each quarter, based upon a defined time or theme. The Panel provides feedback and identifies learning points for Durham Constabulary Professional Standards Department and the OPCC around the proportionality and the decision-making of complaint handlers, Investigators and Appropriate Authorities.  

The Panel also consider the degree to which the outcome of the complaint is reasonable and proportionate and the degree to which the outcome is what could reasonably be expected based on the components of the complaint and the investigation. This provides added assurance that the right decisions are being made. 

The Panel will meet four times per year(quarterly).  

There are currently 8 members on the Panel and a recruitment exercise will be undertaken to ensure there is more balanced and diverse representation.    

The terms of reference for the panel can be downloaded here.


Meeting Minutes

08/10/2024 Minutes