Handshaking in a meeting

Specified Information

Police and Crime Commissioners publish information to allow the public to hold them to account. 


Police and Crime Commissioners publish information to allow the public to hold them to account. The Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011 says what information Commissioners should make available. Joy Allen is the Police and Crime Commissioner for County Durham and Darlington.

For this to be effective, Government has issued the Elected Local Policing Bodies (Specified Information) Order 2011 to make sure that the public have timely access to independent and clear information.

The information order has set a minimum evidence base – a specific set of information to be made available – for the public to use when holding Commissioners to account. A consistent minimum evidence base will also allow the public to compare different police force areas.

This includes decisions that are made, progress on the Police and Crime Plan and Spending/Budgets, amongst many others. Please see full details below.


The Specified Information Order

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1.  In relation to the relevant office holders of the elected local policing body.
2. In relation to the staff (and, in relation to gifts and hospitality, also the relevant office holders) of the elected local policing body
3.  In relation to the income and expenditure of the elected local policing body
4.  In relation to the property, rights and liabilities of the elected local policing body
5. In relation to the decisions of the elected local policing body
6. In relation to the policies of the elected local policing body
7. In relation to the prevention of crime and disorder
8. In relation to the independent custody visitor arrangements made under section 51 of the Police Reform Act 2002 –