New radios funded by PCC to help businesses in Newton Aycliffe fight back against crime and ASB

December 12, 2024

Twenty handheld radios have been funded by Police and Crime Commissioner Joy Allen to help tackle crime and anti-social behaviour on a local business park.
The County Durham and Darlington PCC provided a grant worth just over £9k for the devices, which will help businesses on Aycliffe Business Park in Newton Aycliffe communicate with each other to warn of suspicious activity.

Committed to supporting businesses and retailers against crime, the PCC has funded the resources as part of a wider plan to expand Business Watch schemes across County Durham.

Further funding is being considered for the provision of CCTV on the Business Park.

In recent months, police have received increasing reports of anti-social behaviour (ASB) and crime on Aycliffe Business Park, and on the roads leading into the park. These include incidents where stones have been thrown at passing cars and where several off-road bikes have been using the Business Park roads as a mini racetrack.
Due to a lack of communication between individual business premises, security workers and staff have been unable to keep track when the perpetrators move around the park. This means they have often already left the area by the time officers arrive.

In response, Durham Constabulary launched BPACT (Businesses, Police and Communities Together) – a scheme to increase confidence on the Business Park and resolve problems collectively. It also has the aim of encouraging businesses based within the park to invest in the wider community of Newton Aycliffe, supporting charities and community groups that go above and beyond to support residents.

There are currently 20 businesses on the park with 24-hour security. By introducing a radio system, security workers can now talk directly to each other to report and warn of ASB and suspicious activity. It will also allow firms to position their CCTV cameras to secure vital evidence that could assist an investigation or prosecution.

Commissioner Allen said: “These radios are a fantastic addition to Aycliffe Business Park and will not only help businesses to protect themselves from criminals but will also ensure more perpetrators are brought to justice.

“I am already working closely with businesses and retailers to increase confidence and trust across the sector and the launch of BPACT is an extension of my commitment to provide businesses with the practical tools and resources they need to protect their staff and profits from crime.

“Crime costs businesses billions of pounds every year. We cannot underestimate the emotional and psychological impact these losses inflict on their owners, not to mention the damage they wreak on livelihoods and the health of the economy.

“I have promised to listen to our business community, and I am through an array of networks and panels. This engagement work is already improving the way the force and businesses themselves respond to crime. Much more work is needed, however, and I will continue to invest in this priority and give businesses the protection and support they deserve.”

The new security radios will also link to another device in the local police station to enable available officers to attend swiftly in the event of a live incident or crime.
The scheme is designed like the Shop Watch initiative however all security guards will be encouraged to communicate with one another exclusive of the Police, particularly on evenings when incidents occur.

Aycliffe Business Park is spread across 400 hectares and is home to more than 500 diverse and progressive companies, employing a total of around 10,000 people.

Officers discovered the on-site businesses contribute a significant amount of money to charities every year, although none within the community of Newton Aycliffe itself due to a lack of connection between the Business Park Community and the community of Newton Aycliffe.

In response, BPACT will seek to promote investment in local community initiatives that will enable the vast majority of the Business Park’s workforce to benefit.


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