PCC proposes new Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner.

June 21, 2024

Police and Crime Commissioner Joy Allen has announced her intention to appoint Graham Hall as her Deputy.

The Commissioner’s decision will now be discussed by the Police and Crime Panel at a Confirmation Hearing set to take place on 1 July 2024.

The PCC said that as her Deputy, Mr Hall will provide vital support to her work to make County Durham and Darlington safer, stronger and more resilient to drug and alcohol related crime and anti-social behaviour and help her to meet her growing responsibilities locally, regionally and nationally to improve policing.

Mr Hall is a retired Chief Superintendent with vast experience of policing and community issues.

As the Head of Community Safety for Darlington Borough Council, he is known across the partnership landscape locally and is the current chair of Darlington Community Safety Partnership. In 2022, Mr Hall was recognised by the Darlington Borough Council Stronger Communities Awards for his contribution to public safety in Darlington.  

Experienced in policing governance and local government arrangements, Mr Hall has a deep understanding of national, regional and local community groups with the ability to engage at all levels.  

He will replace former Deputy PCC Nigel Bryson OBE who stepped down from his part-time role prior to the election.

Commissioner Allen said: “Graham’s vast experience of policing and community safety will prove an invaluable support to me and he will provide an insight that is second to none as we work to make County Durham and Darlington safer for everyone.

“Responsibilities for PCCs continue to grow and this appointment will provide my office with additional expertise and capacity to engage with our residents and give a voice to our communities on the issues that matter to them most.

“I am confident that Graham has the necessary skills, knowledge and abilities to undertake this role and his track record speaks for itself.  Legislation states that I am able to make appointment of this kind and in doing so I am following in the footsteps other PCCs up and down the country who have already appointed deputies since their elections in May.”

Talking of Mr Hall’s predecessor, the PCC went on to add: “I would like to take this opportunity to thank my former Deputy Mr Bryson for his dedication and service to my Office and the communities of County Durham and Darlington.  He did a great job, and I wish him well.”

Mr Hall’s position will be on a full-time basis until the conclusion of the PCC’s current term of office in May 2028.

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