The Victim of Crime Champion engages ‘one to one’ with victims and with a variety of victim support services. This ensures that both personal ‘journeys’ through the criminal justice system can be understood and identifies themes, trends and gaps in service provision to victims so that the development of policies, planning and commissioning can be framed with their needs in mind. ‘Victim’s Voice’ case studies inform ‘Root Cause Analysis’ of these cases to understand what went well…and not so well, to inform service improvement. With my active support, my Victims’ Champion is encouraging all criminal justice agencies to conduct a Victim Impact Assessment on policies and practices. My Victims’ Champion for Crime also engages with the National Victims’ Commissioner’s Office; the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners and Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary to identify national initiatives and good practice which can be tailored to our local needs.