It is the responsibility of the Durham Police and Crime Commissioner to set the budget for the Police force to ensure effective policing for the area.
It is the responsibility of the Durham Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) to secure an efficient and effective police force for the area.
This includes setting the budget for the police force. allocating funds and assets to the Chief Constable and setting the police council tax precept.
The Government only provides around 75% of the funding necessary to run the force, the rest is raised through part of Council Tax, known as the Policing Precept.
It is the responsibility of the Durham Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) to secure an efficient and effective police force for the area.
This includes setting the budget for the police force. allocating funds and assets to the Chief Constable and setting the police council tax precept.
The Government only provides around 75% of the funding necessary to run the force, the rest is raised through part of Council Tax, known as the Policing Precept.
All information about the finance for the Durham Police and Crime Commissioner's Office can be found here.
The medium term financial plan is aligned to the Police and Crime Plan and takes account of affordability, risk, use of reserves and the Prudential Code for Capital Finance in Local Authorities.
The majority of police funding is received through government grants that are issued by the Home Office. In addition to this, PCCs have been established as precepting authorities and can raise additional funding by setting a precept. This is charged to local householders as an element of Council Tax.
Police and Crime Commissioners and Chief Constables are required under the Accounts and Audit Regulations to produce individual and group Statement of Accounts annually.
Chief Constable Draft Accounts March 2023
Durham Police Annual Audit Report 2022/23
Chief Constable Draft Accounts March 2024
Audit Accounts Delay Notice 2023-24
Durham PCC – Independent Auditor’s Report 2023-24
Durham Chief Constable – Independent Auditor’s Report 2023-24
Durham PCC signed Accounts 31-03-2024 and signed Audit Report
Durham Chief Constable signed Accounts 31-03-2024 and AGS final inc. signed Audit Report
Durham PCC – Audit Report 2023-24 letter